// Copyright 2007. Adobe Systems Incorporated. All Rights Reserved. package fl.controls.listClasses { import fl.controls.listClasses.CellRenderer; import fl.controls.listClasses.ICellRenderer; import fl.controls.listClasses.ListData; import fl.controls.listClasses.TileListData; import fl.controls.TextInput; //Only for ASDocs import fl.containers.UILoader; import fl.core.InvalidationType; import fl.core.UIComponent; import flash.display.Graphics; import flash.display.Shape; import flash.events.IOErrorEvent; //-------------------------------------- // Styles //-------------------------------------- /** * The skin that is used to indicate the selected state. * * @default ImageCell_selectedSkin * * @langversion 3.0 * @playerversion Flash */ [Style(name="selectedSkin", type="Class")] /** * The padding that separates the edge of the cell from the edge of the text, * in pixels. * * @default 3 * * @langversion 3.0 * @playerversion Flash */ [Style(name="textPadding", type="Number", format="Length")] /** * The padding that separates the edge of the cell from the edge of the image, * in pixels. * * @default 1 * * @langversion 3.0 * @playerversion Flash */ [Style(name="imagePadding", type="Number", format="Length")] /** * The opacity of the overlay behind the cell label. * * @default 0.7 * */ [Style(name="textOverlayAlpha", type="Number", format="Length")] //-------------------------------------- // Class description //-------------------------------------- /** * The ImageCell is the default cell renderer for the TileList * component. An ImageCell class accepts label and * source properties, and displays a thumbnail and * single-line label. * *

Note: When content is being loaded from a different * domain or sandbox, the properties of the content may be inaccessible * for security reasons. For more information about how domain security * affects the load process, see the Loader class.

* * @see flash.display.Loader Loader * * @includeExample examples/ImageCellExample.as * * @langversion 3.0 * @playerversion Flash */ public class ImageCell extends CellRenderer implements ICellRenderer { /** * @private (protected) * * @langversion 3.0 * @playerversion Flash */ protected var textOverlay:Shape; /** * @private (protected) * * @langversion 3.0 * @playerversion Flash */ protected var loader:UILoader; /** * @private * * @langversion 3.0 * @playerversion Flash */ private static var defaultStyles:Object = { imagePadding:1, textOverlayAlpha:0.7 }; /** * @copy fl.core.UIComponent#getStyleDefinition() * * @includeExample ../../core/examples/UIComponent.getStyleDefinition.1.as -noswf * * @see fl.core.UIComponent#getStyle() * @see fl.core.UIComponent#setStyle() * @see fl.managers.StyleManager * * @langversion 3.0 * @playerversion Flash */ public static function getStyleDefinition():Object { return mergeStyles(defaultStyles, CellRenderer.getStyleDefinition()); } /** * Creates a new ImageCell instance. * * @langversion 3.0 * @playerversion Flash */ public function ImageCell() { super(); loader = new UILoader(); loader.addEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, handleErrorEvent, false, 0, true); loader.autoLoad = true; loader.scaleContent = true; addChild(loader); } /** * Gets or sets the list properties that are applied to the cell, for example, * the index and selected values. These list properties * are automatically updated after the cell is invalidated. * *

Although the listData property returns an instance of ListData, in the * TileList cells receive an instance of TileListData instead, * which contains a source property.

* * @langversion 3.0 * @playerversion Flash */ override public function get listData():ListData { return _listData; } /** * @private (setter) * * @langversion 3.0 * @playerversion Flash */ override public function set listData(value:ListData):void { _listData = value; label = _listData.label; var newSource:Object = (_listData as TileListData).source; if (source != newSource) { // Prevent always reloading... source = newSource; } } /** * Gets or sets an absolute or relative URL that identifies the * location of the SWF or image file to load, the class name * of a movie clip in the library, or a reference to a display * object. * *

Valid image file formats include GIF, PNG, and JPEG.

* * @default null * * @langversion 3.0 * @playerversion Flash */ public function get source():Object { return loader.source; } /** * @private (setter) * * @langversion 3.0 * @playerversion Flash */ public function set source(value:Object):void { loader.source = value; } /** * @private (protected) * * @langversion 3.0 * @playerversion Flash */ override protected function configUI():void { super.configUI(); textOverlay = new Shape(); var g:Graphics = textOverlay.graphics; g.beginFill(0xFFFFFF); g.drawRect(0,0,100,100); g.endFill(); } /** * @private (protected) * * @langversion 3.0 * @playerversion Flash */ override protected function draw():void { super.draw(); } /** * @private (protected) * * @langversion 3.0 * @playerversion Flash */ override protected function drawLayout():void { var imagePadding:Number = getStyleValue("imagePadding") as Number; loader.move(imagePadding, imagePadding); var w:Number = width-(imagePadding*2); var h:Number = height-imagePadding*2; if (loader.width != w && loader.height != h) { loader.setSize(w,h); } loader.drawNow(); // Force validation! // Position textfield if (_label == "" || _label == null) { if (contains(textField)) { removeChild(textField); } if (contains(textOverlay)) { removeChild(textOverlay); } } else { var textPadding:Number = getStyleValue("textPadding") as Number; textField.width = Math.min(width-textPadding*2, textField.textWidth+5); textField.height = textField.textHeight + 5; textField.x = Math.max(textPadding, width/2-textField.width/2); textField.y = height - textField.height - textPadding; // Multiline is not supported. textOverlay.x = imagePadding; textOverlay.height = textField.height + textPadding*2; textOverlay.y = height - textOverlay.height - imagePadding; textOverlay.width = width - imagePadding*2; textOverlay.alpha = getStyleValue("textOverlayAlpha") as Number; addChild(textOverlay); addChild(textField); } background.width = width; background.height = height; } /** * @private (protected) */ protected function handleErrorEvent(event:IOErrorEvent):void { dispatchEvent(event); } } }